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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I log in if I don't have my username and password? 

If you have never logged in or you are having trouble logging in, you must first have a username assigned by the club to do so. If you do not know your username, contact either Membership Chair Mark Taylor at or Media Outreach Chair Hack Heyward at  Once you know your assigned username, follow the instructions here FAQ / Tech Library - High Desert Region - Porsche Club of America ( These instructions will walk you through the process of receiving a temporary system generated password, and how to log in using that unique and confidential password.

How do I order an HDPRCA name badge?

Members may order name badges directly from the club website.  The cost is $6 each plus $1 for optional shipping.  Once logged in, please click on the “Members Only” drop down in the top menu bar of the home page and select “HDR & PCA Webstore”, then select the “HDR Local Webstore”. Click on the image of the 1 Member Name Badge which will take you to the “Product Details” with an image of a sample name badge.  In the text box enter your first name (or nickname) and last name exactly as you wish to have it spelled on the name badge.  Click on the blue “Add to Cart”. Next, either click the blue “Checkout” button, or click the 2 Co-Member Name Badge to order a second badge for your co-member.  If so, in the text box enter your co-member’s name and click “Add to Cart”.  Click the blue “Checkout” and “Continue with Checkout”.  Select the method for either shipping by mail or local pickup and verify the address.  Then click “Continue to Gift Message” then “Continue to Order Summary” then “Continue to Payment” to finish adding your credit card information.  After submitting your order, it will take a few weeks to complete it.  Contact the Membership Chair ( if you have difficulty or wish to know the status of your order.

How do I change my address, phone number, contact info? 

This is done in two different places, in the PCA National system at, and in the HDR ClubExpress website.  For the purpose of elections and balloting, it is the responsibility of each Member to maintain his or her current contact information, including email addresses, in the personal membership information available on login to the PCA National website.  That maintenance can be done here:  Once logged in to the PCA National system, your profile can be accessed on the left side of the page. 

To make changes to your profile and contact information in the HDR ClubExpress website, first log in to ClubExpress.  If you are having trouble with that login, refer to the instructions here:  FAQ / Tech Library - High Desert Region - Porsche Club of America ( logged in, click on the "Profile" link under your name in the upper right to review and update your personal information. In particular, the club encourages you to check and correct your phone numbers, mailing address, and emergency contact info.  You can choose to add credit card information to your profile here so that you don’t have to enter it for each event where there is a registration cost. 

How do I add my photo to my profile?

Log into the Website.  Click on your name in the upper tool bar and choose “Profile”.  Choose Standard Member Directory from the Member Profile Screen.  Under the heading “Photo” choose Select New Photo and upload.  Once you have chosen the photo click on save at the bottom of the page to populate the preview.

You may also upload a banner image.  You may choose from a “Stock Image” or upload one of your own.

To upload your own, click on Upload Image and then Select Image.  Navigate to where the image is stored and then once it has uploaded, click on save.  You will then need to click on save at the bottom of the page.

How do I sign up for an event?

Although you can see events in the calendar without logging in to the website, in order to register for an event, you must be logged in to the HDRPCA Website.  Once you have done so, open the Calendar TAB at the top of the home page.  Then find the event that you want to register for and click on the Event.  Then Click on “Register” and follow the instructions, which will include entering credit card information if the event has a registration cost.  For detailed event registration instructions, click here when logged in:

If you have never logged in or you are having trouble logging in, refer to the FAQ above. 

How do I find contact information for another member?
Log into the website and choose Members Only from the Menu.  Click on Membership Directory.
There you may search by name, city or membership type. Do not enter blank spaces into the search field.

How can I see who is signed up for an event?

The event organizer may choose to share the entire list of registrants with all members; however, in some cases the list is only visible to those who have registered.  Log into the website, go to the events calendar and then choose the event.  When the screen opens, click on the blue “Registrants” button.

Can I be notified if a Forum thread I am participating in has had a reply or an addition?

Yes, you can turn on email notifications for any thread!  It’s not as simple as it should be but here are instructions for the process.  Log into the website and follow these steps:

How do I include photos in my forum posts?

Log into the website and just follow these steps…

How do I submit a photo to be shared on the website.

Log into the Website.  From the menu choose Members Only.  Choose Submit Photo and click on the link to upload.  Answer the questions in the form so we know who, what, where and then upload the image. You may submit up to four photos at a time.

Is there a cost for Arrive and Drive?

At one time, the club charged $10 per car to participate in Register and Drive trips but not for Classic Car Drives.  As of September 2023, however, the club no longer charges for any of the three standard types of non-overnight drives: 1) CCG (Classic Car Group) includes all Porsches with model year 1997 or older; 2) SUV includes all Macans and Cayennes; and 3) AnD (Arrive and Drive) includes all other Porsches.